Thursday, December 25, 2014

It is the TIME I wish SANTA for Everyone.....

It is the time of the year, when every one in the family comes near
It is the time again, when you tend to forget all your pains
It is the time that brings along, togetherness and gifts unknown
It is the time, when those far away, miss family and friends night and day

It is the time when snow flakes touch the colder ground

It is the time when kids wish for the red and white Santa to be around
It is the time when the 365 days are about to come to an end
It is the time when new hopes are about to come into existence
It is the time when jingle bells, whistle howls and love find its grounds
It is the time when I look around and wish to fulfill wishes abound 
It is the time to forget and forgive, it is the time to hug and to cherish
It is the time to capture moments to remember
It is the time to wish goodness, peace and evil to surrender
It is time, when I wish there is a SANTA for everyone
It is time, when I beg there is a SANTA in everyone
It is time, when I pray there is a SANTA to reach everyone

It is time, when I demand there is a SANTA in east and west
It is time, when I demand there is a SANTA in good, ugly and best
It is time, when I demand there is a SANTA for Hindu and Muslims
It is time, when I demand there is a SANTA for Poor and Pilgrims

It is time now to say MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS
It is time now to pray A VERY VERY HAPPY X'MAS


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